In June 2015 Our Brother Delbert Africa appeared before The Pennsylvania Parole Board. This was Delbert’s first appearance since being denied in June of 2013. Delbert like other MOVE members were denied Parole by the board based upon the reason:
Delbert Africa is a threat to the community of Philadelphia.
The Parole Board never consulted the community of Philadelphia to find out if we feel Delbert Africa, or any of the MOVE 9, are a danger to us. We resent the Parole Board speaking for us. We emphatically state that the MOVE 9 would be a tremendous asset to the community and specifically Delbert Africa. Delbert has obtained an education and values volunteering his skills to uplift others and is the model of a family-oriented, stable, loving man. This system and it’s officials know our family is innocent.
The Superintendent of SCI Dallas where Delbert is imprisoned AND Delbert’s Counselor recommended Delbert For Parole so the Parole Board is not only lying about the community, but clearly out of touch with their colleagues who know Delbert much better than they do. Many people in the community who The Parole Board are saying are “at risk” all wrote letters of support for Delbert’s Parole.
We know that the police who murder members of our community daily are the real threat to our community, not MOVE. MOVE members were never charge, much less convicted, with being a threat to anybody, so it should not be an issue 37 years later. We resent Parole Board officials presuming to speak for us, especially without ever consulting us, and we demand immediate parole for all of the MOVE 9. We speak for our self and say: “Stop lying on us and parole the MOVE 9 immediately.”
Download this petition and get it filled out by other community members. Mail to us and we will bring them to the Parole Board (or come with us).
Also, please sign this online petition that we have aimed at The United States Justice Department to demand they investigate the unjust imprisonment of The Move 9 as a whole.