Delbert Orr Africa #AM4985 was 32 years old when he was wrongfully imprisoned along with 8 other men & women. His “crime” was being a part of an organization against corrupt government, racism and the degradation of our people. He is now 73 years old, having served nearly 42 years for a crime none of them committed. He has been eligible for parole since 2008 but has continually been denied because of his political views.
Del has 8 codefendants. Two died in prison (Phil Africa and his wife, Merle), and five have been released from prison onto parole just between Fall 2018 and Spring 2019. It’s past the time that Delbert should be coming home from prison. Just like others from the MOVE 9 are thriving, so should Delbert Orr Africa have the same opportunity.
Our community has supported those who came home to excel and we are committed to doing the same for Del so that he can excel as well. From having one of his daughters murdered during the bombing of MOVE Headquarters by the government to having his eldest daughter battling breast cancer, it’s overdue for him to be with his family.