The Pennsylvania Parole Board is unfairly denying parole to Eddie Africa. What we are asking people to do is:
1. Call the Pennsylvania (PA) Parole Board at (717) 772-4343, and
2. Email The PA Parole Board at: and demand immediate parole for Eddie Africa at his upcoming parole hearing.
These are key points that people can make when calling and writing via email
(1) You are concerned over the clear conflict of interest over the fact that Parole Board Chairman Michael L. Green was appointed to the Parole Board ten years ago by then PA Governor Ed Rendell whose office prosecuted Edward and his co defendants in the late 1970’s and early 80’s. Mr Green has final judgement over this decision over parole in which he has shown clear bias for parole for the MOVE 9 in the past as a regular hearing examiner.
(2) Pamela Gray another member of the PA Parole Board has extreme ties to law enforcement in Pennsylvania which serves as a conflict of interest to have her sit over this hearing due to the fact that Edward and the rest of the MOVE 9 case revolves around the murder of a cop.
(3) Edward Africa has a home and employment plan set up for him upon his release .
(4) Edward has completed all the required programs to make parole and also has an excellent prison conduct record in which he has kept down gang and racial violence inside of Pennsylvania prisons.
Ona Move
The Justice And Accountability Campaign
October 23, 2015