May 13, 2021,
5 pm
Osage Ave. & Cobbs Creek Pkwy,
Philadelphia, PA (map/directions)
Featuring MOVE Speakers.
March to Malcolm X Park
Community Altar
Oral History Station
Say their names. The bombing of the MOVE compound killed six adults and five children and destroyed more than sixty homes, leaving more than 250 Philadelphians homeless. Only 13-year-old Birdie Africa (1971-2013), who later took back his given name of Michael Ward, and Ramona Africa (b. c.1955) survived the confrontation. Those killed included children Katricia Dotson (Tree), Netta, Delitia, Phil, and Tomasa Africa and adults Rhonda, Teresa, Frank, CP, Conrad, and John Africa (1931-85).
Photos of the event by Joe Piette at
Mike Africa Jr. speaks