February 26, 2019
Reprint from Global Research News Hour
“There are so many injustices in this system, man, about the things they do to people, the harm they cause to people. It’s not just MOVE that are treated horribly like this.” – Mike Africa Sr, MOVE 9 member interviewed
Global Research: It’s a pleasure to have you on our show, thank you so much for
Mike Africa Sr: You got it, man! On a move!
Debbie Africa: On A Move!
Global Research: Debbie, Mike Sr, please, if you could, could you convey to our listeners the feelings that you experienced on having finally being released and being reunited with each other and with your kids and grandkids for the first time after 40 years behind prison walls?
Debbie Africa: Relief. I always tell the story that when I was first sent to prison in …1978, my oldest child was only 2 years, she wasn’t even 2 years old yet. And Michael Jr wasn’t born yet. So, I was pregnant with him. I had a
And, without even realizing how long I felt so heavy, when I finally got released it was like a weight just came off of my heart, and that’s really all I can explain to you. As soon as I walked out that door, Michael Jr was there and the family was there – his wife, his children, which are my grandchildren, it was just like the weight was just lifted up off of my heart … it was just a really great feeling, to know that they finally, finally did something they were supposed to do. Release us.
Read (and hear) the rest of this interview: https://www.globalresearch.ca/black-history-trump-era-resistance-mumias-plight-and-freedom-for-the-move-9/5669694