Over 36 years after the Aug. 8, 1978 confrontation in Philadelphia, the eight remaining “MOVE 9” prisoners are still being denied parole, after becoming eligible in 2008. MOVE is asking for support in building public pressure for the MOVE 9’s release. The MOVE 9 are:
Write to the MOVE 9 and let them know they are remembered.
Michael Davis Africa #AM4973
P.O. Box 244
Graterford, PA 19426-244
William Phillips Africa #AM4984
Charles Sims Africa #AM4975
Delbert Orr Africa #AM4985
1000 Follies Rd.
Dallas, PA 18612
Edward Goodman Africa #AM4974
Mumia Abu Jamal #AM8335
301 Morea Rd.
Frackville, PA 17932
(570) 773-2158
Supt. John Kerestes
Debbie Sims Africa #006307
Janet Hollaway Africa #006308
Janine Phillips Africa #6309
451 Fullerton Ave.
Cambridge Springs, PA 16403-1238
Check out www.move9parole.blogspot.com for more specific information on how to support parole for the MOVE 9