Things you can do to support MOVE
• Join our postage committee, send a donation towards postage and/or send us stamps.
• Photocopy information or send a donation (even a Kinko card) toward the cost of photocopying.
• Send donations directly to the MOVE Nine for postage, photocopying, and to pay for their pre-paid calls (It costs them anywhere from $2.25 just to connect and then about $0.22 to $0.45 a minute after that, depending on where they are calling. This racks up quickly in order to keep general contact with their family). To send them donations, you must send money orders only.
• Contact news media in your area, Philadelphia and near the prisons where the MOVE Nine are being held demanding justice for MOVE.
• Encourage Bookstores and/or organizations to buy our book 25 Years On the MOVE in bulk at a discounted rate so that MOVE information is available in your area.
• Arrange speaking engagements for Ramona Africa or other MOVE members at colleges, community centers, churches, etc. Connect with Ramona at
• Write, Fax, Call the following:
1) Governor Tom Wolf , Governor’s Correspondence Office, 508 Main Capitol Building, Harrisburg, PA 17120; Tel: (717) 787-2500, Fax: (717) 772-8284, Email:
2) District Attorney (D.A.) Larry Krasner, Three South Penn Square, Philadelphia, PA 19107; Tel: (215) 686-8000;
3) Mayor Jim Kenney, Office of the Mayor, Room 215, City Hall, Philadelphia, PA 19107; Tel: (215) 686-2181, Fax: (215) 686-2180.
• Buy a MOVE videotape and arrange video showings in your area.
• Contact your U.S. Officials and Representatives and make MOVE POW’s an issue that they have to address.
• Offer driving services if you have a car; typing services if you can type or use a computer.
• Contribute office supplies or donations towards the purchase of them.
• Arrange Radio and/or TV programs for Ramona Africa or other MOVE members.
• Organize fundraisers like musical benefits, dinners, drives, etc. to help pay for organizing activities and to pay for the fight to free the MOVE Nine.
• Start a chapter of Friends of MOVE in your area (only need a couple of people to stay in contact with the organization and help out however resources and availability allow).